VLC-ETC: Single Axis EtherCAT Servo Drive
The VLC-ETC is an EtherCAT servo drive that is based on SMAC's VLC 1-axis integrated controller/driver and an additional layer that provides the EtherCAT connectivity. The VLC part is pre-programmed with system macros to accommodate control and monitoring functionalities of the servo drive.
Additional macros can be programmed in the VLC to perform subroutines/functions that can be called from the EtherCAT master. Background knowledge on the VLC is required to configure the servo parameters of the VLC-ETC. Please refer to the latest VLCI-R1 or VLCI-X1 manual for more information about the servo drive parameters and programming.
EtherCAT servo drive
Operating Modes
Position, Velocity, Torque, Current, Homing, Phasing
Filter Algorithm
Max. Servo Loop Rate
100 μS
Trajectory Generator
Servo Position Feedback
Incremental Encoder with Index
Output (Standard)
PWM (space-vector-modulated), 3.5 Amps Cont. and 6.5 Amps Peak (with proper heat mitigation) at 50 VDC Max.
Motor Type
3-Phase Brushless, DC brushed, Linear voice coil
PWM Frequency
20.0 KHz
Current resolution
5.66 mA
Encoder and Index Input
Encoder Supply Voltage
Encoder Input Voltage
5.5 VDC Max., -0.1 VDC Min.
Encoder Count Rate
40 million encoder counts per Second
Position Range
31 Bits
Velocity Range
31 Bits
Acceleration Range
31 Bits
Digital I/O
4x Opto-isolated Digital Inputs w/ common:
4x Solid-state Relay Outputs w/ common:
Analog I/O
Input: 1 Channel (differential), 0 to +/-10V With 12-Bit Resolution.
Output: 1 Channel, 0-10V With 12-Bit Resolution.
STO (Safe Torque Off)
2x Opto-isolated STO Inputs:
1x Opto-isolated STO Feedback Output:
2 x 2 LEDs:
Communication Interface
VLC program space
VLC-ETC Outline Drawing 
VLC-ETC Outline Drawing
(Right-click and Save link as to download file.)
VLC-ETC Controller User Manual Ver 1.6

VLC-ETC Outline Drawing

VLC-ETC Controller User Manual Ver 1.6

System macro file
VLC-X Editor Setup 1.2
Easy setup and tuning of control parameters for VLC series controllers.
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 1 - Program Space and System Macros
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 2 - Establishing EtherCAT Connection with TwinCAT Software
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 3 - Generating Basic Motions on a Single-Phase Actuator
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 4 - Phasing on a Three-Phase Actuator
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 2 - Establishing EtherCAT Connection with TwinCAT Software
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 3 - Generating Basic Motions on a Single-Phase Actuator
VLC-ETC Controller Tutorial 4 - Phasing on a Three-Phase Actuator