Leak Detection
Package Leak Testing Solution
SMAC Moving Coil Actuators can verify the sealing process was successful by leak testing. Whether it's a filled bottle, foil sealed tray/ container, or bagged food, SMAC "Soft-Lands" on the package surface, programmed for the container's optimal pliancy and applies force to detect leaks in line. Higher position displacement means a bad seal (or leak). SMAC actuators have been applied to detect pinhole leaks under 50 microns. Since the SMAC actuator can apply programmable force and monitor position of movement, we are a game changing solution.
This same in-line inspection solution can be used for food packaging and blister packaging such as soft pouch, contact lens or coffee pods and more.
- Nitrogen Filled Bottles
- Squeeze Pouches
- Plastic Jugs
- Soft Cases
- Bags
- PET Containers
- Cans
- Coffee Pods
Application Example:
Product used: LAL95 series linear
Problem: The current method for leak detect has been tapping on the top of lid and sensing the pressure. This is difficult technique with low accuracy.
Solution: Sense side of bottle, push with specific force and determining the movement to determine pressure in bottle. This is primarily in bottles pressurized by nitrogen filled bottles (soda, etc) where they are more solid. If there is a leak the spring back is greater. The cycle rate is 20 Hz. Since the SMAC actuator can sense the surface, apply programmable force and monitor position of movement we are a game changing solution, much more accurate than vacuum decay / pressure decay leak testing.