Gauge System for Installation of Rear Car Window Screen
A positioning system to ensure the integrity of placement of the windscreen for a leading car manufacturer.
The prepared windscreen is placed by a robot into a gauge fixture prior to fitting. The existing fixture has been replaced for several reasons:
- Lack of positioning accuracy
- Poor control of the pneumatic cylinders which causes intermittent damage to the screens.
- After placement by the pneumatic cylinders there is no more possibility to adjust the position of the windscreen.

The 2 pneumatic cylinders for centering the windscreen are replaced by the 2 LAL95-015.
Two of six pneumatic cylinders for position measurement are not needed anymore.
The LAL95 provides both positioning & measurement.
All other sensors, mechanical and electronic parts are unchanged.
SMAC Advantages:
- No more damage with windscreens during QC due to Soft-Land function
- Capability to move the windscreens after test to accommodate tolerances = minimal rejects.
- Minimal changes to the existing systems